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designer blogs

Designer Blogs specializes in custom blog design for personal and business blogs hosted through BLOGGER and WORDPRESS. Custom blog designs attract readers to your blog and are the perfect way to showcase who you are and what your blog is all about. Each custom blog design we create is designed to reflect the style and personality of YOU, the client, which is why our custom blog designs will always be tailor-made and remain 100% unique.

One of the many benefits of working with Designer Blogs is that we have a team of four blog designers so we are able to move through the queue quickly. You'll also get the option to choose the designer that best suits your desired style so your blog design is sure to be one you'll love.

Custom blog design examples:

If a custom blog design exceeds your desired budget, we also offer lower priced premade blog designs, $10 blog templates, and free blog backgrounds. These designs are not one-of-a-kind but are still a fun way to get a great blog design for a fraction the price of a custom blog design. We have blog design options for every budget, so be sure to visit each of our shops to the left to find the right choice for you.

In addition to blog designs, we offer blog buttons, business card designs, Etsy banners, Facebook Landing Pages, and Twitter backgrounds. So take your time, look around, and let us know if you have any questions.